Archive for buddhism

Recent Events

Posted in Meditations with tags , , , , on May 8, 2010 by Fausto

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately, there’s been plenty to do with school coming to a close. The Increase The Peace Ritual was a success, and I hope we were able to make a difference. Only time will tell.

I’ve decided to put more effort into meditation. For a while, I”ve been doing it sporadically,  just before bed, using YouTube and a set of earphones, listening to guided meditations from Piers Cross and others in a laying down position. However, I want to try it on  a regular basis, preferrably in a place where I won’t be distracted. Home isn’t the ideal situation. A friend told me about a Buddhist group at the UU Church, who meet every Sunday at 7 PM for prayer and meditation, so I might look into that. In the meantime, I’m putting together ingredients for a witch’s bottle, and will have more on that for you later.